My research field is microeconomics. I am especially interested in finding intuitively appealing solutions for organizational, social, and market problems by applying microeconomic theory.


  • Hierarchical Competition in Platform Markets, with Minji Kang,
    The Korean Journal of Industrial Organization, 2023, 31(4), 1-30.

  • On Monotone Strategy Equilibria in Simultaneous Auctions for Complementary Goods, with Matthew Gentry, Tatiana Komarova, and Pasquale Schiraldi
    Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019, 85, 109–128.

  • Self-learning Algorithms and Tacit Collusion, with Hoonsik Yang (in Korean),
    The Korean Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 27(3), 99-131.

Working Papers

  • Discriminatory Decisions as an Agency Problem: Multi-dimensional Screening and Optimal Contracts. [Paper]

 Work in progress

  • Strategic Behaviors in AI-Data Markets

  • Multidimensional Evolution of Internet Platforms

  • Theoretical Analysis of Affirmative Action Policies in Korea